The Royal Latin Extraordinary People Awards 2024

As part of its commitment to the community, as set out in the school’s 600th anniversary 2023 Charter, the Royal Latin School was delighted to hold the second annual Extraordinary People Awards on 9th October 2024. The awards sought to reflect the Royal Latin virtues of Integrity, Resilience, Respect, Courage and Compassion and aimed to recognise those in our community who had demonstrated extraordinary qualities in their efforts to overcome challenges and help others. Recipients were chosen by judges from our school management team and senior community volunteers. 

As well as receiving their awards and certificates, winners will be able to to raise the profile of their community organisation with the Royal Latin student body in the 2024/25 academic year by sharing their experience of their voluntary work in the Buckingham community. The Royal Latin also organised a non-uniform day for Friday, 11th October, which raised £1,752 to be shared amongst the chosen charities of the award winners, as outlined below.

The award presentations were hosted by Headteacher, Ian Chislett, with the awards presented by Buckingham Mayor, Anja Schaefer. Congratulations to all of the deserving winners:

Why Richard was nominated

Richard volunteers over 40 hours a week to save lives in the local community as a Community First Responder for South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS). He also is a very active member of the committee that manages the Buckingham Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Project – to procure and maintain AEDs in Buckingham and surrounding areas. From having no public access AEDs, the charity has procured and maintains over 25 machines. Richard coordinates a set of volunteers to make sure these units are in good working order and has been relentless in his efforts in raising money for the defibrillators and SCAS. Richard also gives his time to raise awareness of how to use an AED, attending sessions with local organisations and parish councils.

Chosen charity/organisation: South Central Ambulance Charity

Community First Responders (CFRs) receive no funding from the NHS or central goverment. South Central Ambulance Charity funds the CFRs’ training, responder bags, defibrillators, and the mobile phones which are used to task responders to 999 calls in the local area. Volunteer responders provide essential life-saving treatment and support in those crucial minutes before the ambulance crew arrives. This includes responding to patients of all ages suffering a life threatening emergency such as cardiac arrest, heart attack, breathing difficulties or a stroke.

Why Alex and Laura were nominated

Alex and Laura Penny are active members of Buckingham & Stowe Running Club (BSRC) and are the driving force behind a variety of established local running events. They are two of the key founders of the Buckingham half marathon, set up in 2017, since which time this event has raised over £30,000 for local charities. In addition, Alex and Laura are part of the team that set up Buckingham Parkrun in 2014, which they continue to organise to this day, and they both also organise the Buckingham 10k each October, an event which has raised £5,000 for local charities since they started organising it in 2019.

Chosen charity/organisation: Open House

Open House is a Buckingham-based charity which has grown out of a need to provide something for former carers and people who live on their own. Former carers often find it difficult to move on from their caring role and there are many older people living alone who may find themselves lonely. The Open House Buckingham group is very supportive and helps many people make these first steps beyond their role as a carer.

Why Elly was nominated

Elly is Nursery Manager at George Grenville Academy. She was described by her nominator as ‘an extremely hard-working and caring individual’. She has helped countless families through their children’s early years journeys, as well as being helpful and understanding in all aspects of their lives. She has also been an inspiration to many staff members, putting others first and always going above and beyond in her efforts to run an amazing childcare setting and unite a diligent team.

Chosen charity/organisation: George Grenville Academy Nursery

The beneficiary of the fundraising linked to this award will be the Nursery at George Grenville Academy where Elly works. George Grenville Academy and Nursery is situated at the former site of the Royal Latin School, built in 1907. Grenville Combined School opened in September 1991 and converted to George Grenville Academy in 2015. The nursery cares for nearly 40 two to four-year-olds and strives to bring learning to life by giving young children enriching experiences in and outside of the classroom.

Why Finley was nominated

Finley is our only student winner and embodies the very essence of courage, having raised over £10,000 for Brain Tumour Research in honor of his late mother, whom he tragically lost at the beginning of Year 7. Finley’s journey of philanthropy and courage began in primary school, when his mum was first diagnosed. Even at a young age, his compassion and determination to make a difference in the world were evident. Through various fundraising activities, he tirelessly worked to support Brain Tumour Research and has demonstrated remarkable courage. He has organised and participated in numerous fundraising events, from sponsored runs to organising our annual Wear a Hat Day. His ability to mobilise his peers, teachers, and the local community is a testament to his leadership and the respect he commands. Finley’s story has touched the hearts of many, bringing people together to support a cause that is both personal and profoundly impactful.

Chosen charity/organisation: Brain Tumour Research

 Brain tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease since records began in 2002. BTR is the only national charity in the UK focused on finding a cure for all types of brain tumours through campaigning to increase the national investment in brain tumour research to £35 million per year, while fundraising to create a network of seven sustainable Brain Tumour Research Centres of Excellence across the UK.

Why Sheila was nominated

Since Sheila retired she has been busier than ever, helping various organisations in the community. Sheila runs the Community Lunch at St Peter and St Paul’s Church every Tuesday with a team of volunteers, providing a three-course meal to anyone who arrives. The lunch provides a safe and welcoming space for older and younger people to meet – from university students, to refugees, to pensioners. Most people are regulars who bring friends and make new ones. Sheila collects unsold food from LIDL every week to help provide for the lunch and reduces their waste in the process. She also cooks for the Renew Cafe on Saturday mornings at Well Street Church, offering a safe place for anyone to come and have a chat and a a bacon sandwich. Sheila is constantly helping others, be it food drop-offs, tip runs, garden clearance or collecting library books. Sheila is a truly selfless, compassionate member of the community.

Chosen charity/organisation: Buckingham Community Lunch & Project Street Life

Sheila has chosen two projects that she is involved with – Buckingham Community Lunch, mentioned above, and Project Street Life (Buckingham), who provide a weekly club night as a place for the youth of Buckingham to enjoy the company of others in a safe and supportive environment.

Watch this space for news about our Extraordinary People Awards 2025!

Application to Sixth Form 2023

Save the Date

The Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on 17th November 2022.

Important announcement

We are open today, Tuesday 13th December. If the situation changes with the weather we will update the website and social media accordingly.