Tim Tinsley (Class of 1988)

Tell us what you do for a living?
I’m a chartered engineer working in the nuclear sector leading a variety of projects. I get to do, see and visit interesting people and things. Some of my projects include developing power systems for spacecraft, and providing new treatments for cancer.
Are you doing what you thought you’d be doing after you left school?
Yes to a degree. I thought I would be doing technical things and managing work. I guess I expected to be doing more things “hands on” than I do, rather than spending so much time in meetings.
What inspires you – what has pulled you forward into your current role?
I’m fascinated by nuclear energy and finding new challenges to solve. The company I work for has provided loads of opportunities to do different roles which is great. I like change, learning new things and variety, and this keeps me going.
What would you say is your biggest achievement to date, the thing you’re most proud of? Professionally or personally!
It has to be my family. I’m blessed to have a happy and tight family unit living in a lovely part of the world.
Was there a particular teacher, or a moment at school that particularly inspired you?
Both Mr Fisher (physics) and Mr Grimsdale (computing) provided me with opportunities to expand my thinking and indulge my interests. Taking a summer school during 6-1 at Manchester university on nuclear energy ignited my interest that has stuck with me ever since.
How important do you think your school days were in shaping who you are today?
Obviously the years are important in forming your character and what drives you. School days are part of this, and help to give you room to learn from your successes and just importantly, mistakes.
What’s your work:life balance like? How important is that to you?
Very important, I work to live – Spending time with my family has, and always will be the most important thing.
What advice would you give to today’s students who may be struggling to choose which path to take beyond school?
Don’t worry since it doesn’t actually matter. You can change direction at any time if you want, and just as important, don’t follow a path for anyone else other than you.
Finally, do you have a favourite quote, expression or mantra which inspires you to keep going?
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka” but “That’s funny . . . ”
—Isaac Asimov (1920–1992)