Admissions Policy 2026 Entry – to follow
Admissions 11-16
Admissions to Year 7
The Royal Latin School is a selective Grammar and an Academy, therefore, students must satisfy the academic criteria for entry. Students join us in Year 7 after taking the 11+ selection tests which are administered by Buckinghamshire Council. However, students may be considered for places at any age from Year 7 upwards.
For Admissions during the academic year, appeals will be managed by the Council’s Legal and Democratic Services team, on behalf of the school. If parents who are resident in Buckinghamshire are refused a place, they will be given full details about how they can appeal by the Admissions and Transport Team. Residents of other boroughs should also approach the Admissions and Transport Team for appeal information.
Transfer Testing
There is an online application portal for parents to register their child for testing, and this can be accessed via the Grammar Schools and Transfer Test page on the Buckinghamshire County website. The portal is the same as the one that is used when applying for school places, so it is important that in registering for testing parents appreciate that they are registering their child for the Transfer Test only and not applying for a place in a specific school.
Buckinghamshire Council will provide parents with supporting information which makes this clear and also guides them step-by-step through the registration process. Those parents that need to register their child should use this route no matter where they live. If a family has difficulty in accessing the internet, we would recommend they ask a friend or relative, visit their local library or ask their child’s school if they can assist. If you have any queries that cannot be answered using the information above, please contact the Admissions and Transport team at
Parents whose children attend a Partner or out of county primary school can find all the relevant information including the link to the registration portal.
Later Admissions to Year 7 and 8
Parents who wish to transfer their children to the Royal Latin School during Years 7 and 8 (e.g. the family is moving into the district) need to contact Bucks Council by visiting their website for contact details.
Later Admissions to Years 9 – 11
For later entry into Years 9, 10 and 11, the Late Admissions Transfer Test is organised by the School.
Please complete this online form to apply for late entry testing. If you have applied for late entry testing you will be contacted once a date has been confirmed.
Please see these frequently asked questions for more information.
Admissions to Sixth Form
Admission to Sixth Form is dependent on GCSE performance. An on-line Prospectus is available from the School website which details the curriculum on offer at this level and describes the application procedure in more detail. For further information and to make an application Click Here
11+ Open Evening
Our next 11+ Open Evening will be on Thursday 3rd July 2025 4.30p.m. – 8.00p.m. There will be no requirement to book a place for this event. We look forward to welcoming you.
Visiting RLS
For those that are unable to attend our 11+ opening evening we are able to offer tours of the school.
If you would like to book onto our next tour please email Spaces are limited.
Tuesday 25th February @ 1.45p.m. – now fully booked
Tuesday 25th March @ 1.45p.m.
If you book onto a tour but you or any of your party subsequently cannot attend please let us know via as soon as possible so that we can offer the place to another parent.
Please click here if you are unable to visit the school and would like to view our Virtual Tour.
Transport Between Home and School
Home to school transport is organised by Buckinghamshire Council. Parents can speak directly to an Admissions and Transport specialist by calling the council’s general enquiry telephone number on 01296 395000 and selecting option 3. This line is likely to be very busy at peak times and so parents are encouraged to visit the website in the first instance.
All students who use transport arranged by the Local Authority will be issued with a bus pass which MUST be shown on ALL journeys to and from School. A small passport-sized photograph will be needed for this purpose.
In the event of a student being involved in inappropriate behaviour on a school bus, the Authority has the right to remove the bus pass for a period of time, which may be temporary or permanent, depending on the nature of the incident(s). In such a case the parent(s) may be liable to provide alternative transport to and from school.
Accessibility Information
If you have additional access requirements which would help you when attending functions at the school, please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01280 813065 prior to your meeting or event to arrange assistance.
There are lifts in the Main Block, Stage, New Block and the Discovery Centre. There are three parking spaces for people with disabilities on the school site; two outside Student Reception, one outside Brookfield Reception and one outside the Sports Campus. We have accessible WC facilities in the Discovery centre ground and first floor, New Block next to B10 and next to N14, Sports Hall lobby, Rotherfield next to R1, Sports Campus pitch level, Main block and Medical Room.
If you have any visual or hearing impairments that we should be made aware of whilst you are visiting our site, again please do not hesitate to contact us in advance.
Appeals (Years 7-11)
Our admissions appeals are handled, on our behalf, by Buckinghamshire Council. For information and policies relating to appeals, please click here.
Selection Review Process (Year 7)
Parents of any child who does not achieve the qualifying score of 121 may apply for a Selection Review if they believe that their child would have met the qualifying score but for particular circumstances regarding their participation in the selection testing process. The Selection Review will be carried out by a panel comprising serving Secondary and Primary Headteachers, supported by a clerk. The Panel will consider each written application received and, where appropriate, will obtain advice from an Educational Psychologist prior to making a decision.
The Selection Review process will take place before places are allocated and children who are deemed qualified by the panel will be eligible for admission to any of the Buckinghamshire grammar schools alongside all other qualified applicants. After places have been allocated, parents have a statutory right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel if their child has been refused admission. Royal Latin School has contracted Buckinghamshire Council to manage appeals on the school’s behalf. Information about both Selection Reviews and the appeal process can be found on the Buckinghamshire Council website – click here
Useful Links
Buckinghamshire Council School Admissions
Guide on how to accept a school place on Buckinghamshire Council website
Catchment Checker (Y7 -Y11 Only)