Making a donation

Philanthropy has played a pivotal role at various stages in The Royal Latin School’s long history, and we are very grateful to those individuals, corporate partners and charitable trusts who still wish to make donations to enable us to continue to improve our facilities and learning opportunities for our students.

Our 600 Campaign fundraising drive comprises three main phases – Phase One (the Discovery Centre, opened 2015), Phase Two (Sports Campus – opened 2021), and during 2025/26 we will publicly launch Phase Three, our Arts Centre, currently in feasibility study stage.

The School Development Fund continues to exist to enable supporters of the school to make regular or one-off gifts – either towards specific departments or projects, or towards the general upkeep of the school and its grounds.

How to make a donation

If you are in a position to make a donation to the school, we would love to hear from you. You can find out more about the different areas your donation could support below, along with links to our online donations pages.

We can also accept donations via bank transfer, or can still receive cheques (details below).

If you’d like to talk to us about making a donation, or you’d prefer to arrange a visit to find out how your donation can best help, please email Alexandra O’Donnell at

Teaching & Learning Funds

Annual Fund projects

If you’d like to make a general donation towards the school and are happy for us to decide which project to spend it on based on our most urgent needs, you can donate to the Annual Fund. We’ll put your gift to good use and report back to you every year about the projects you’ve helped to support.

Arts Centre – early support

Phase Three of our ‘600 Campaign’ will be our proposed new Arts facility – housing the Music, Art and Drama departments to create a centre of artistic excellence at the very heart of the school, incorporating theatre, rehearsal, studio and gallery spaces, to transform our facilities and develop a vibrant creative hub in north Buckinghamshire. Our fundraising campaign for the Arts Centre won’t get underway publicly until 2025/26 – but if you would like to start contributing to our fund then you can start straight away, and we’ll keep you updated on our progress towards the campaign launch.

Piano Fund – help us raise funds for a grand piano

As a small step towards our Arts Centre, we’d like to purchase a grand piano. We currently have a quarter-size electric concert piano; it is adequate but does not offer the depth, resonance and sheer inspiration that an acoustic grand piano can offer. We would like to provide our talented students with the best performance experience possible and inspire others to learn. Our goal is to raise £60k so we can purchase a Steinway Model B, a world-class instrument celebrated for its unparalleled performance.

Sport Campus – ongoing improvements

It’s fantastic to see our new ek robotics Sports Campus complete. 

Now we need to make sure that we can keep the facilities in tip-top condition with regular equipment maintenance, annual equipment servicing, ongoing improvements and a special fund to allow us to save up £25,000 per year to allow for resurfacing of the pitch in 2030. If you would like to contribute towards keeping our Sports Campus as amazing as it should be you can make a donation specifically towards this.

Departmental Funds

Whether you’re an Old Latin and would like to give a gift to the Department which you remember most fondly, or you’re a family who would like to say a thank you to a particular Department for its support, you can now make a donation directly to them, for them to use to buy additional resources or fund extra-curricular learning and visits. 

When you make your donation, please note in the comments which department or project you would like to support.


When we celebrated our 600th anniversary in 2023, we decided that conserving and expanding our unique school archive was an important priority. Since we opened the archive thirteen years ago, we have been collecting documents and memories, and carefully looking after items gifted to us by the families of former students. As one of the oldest schools in the country, we want to share our story of a school from humble beginnings, which has withstood the test of time and endured many periods of political and social change through the centuries. If you would like to help us with our mission to bring our Archive alive through technology and increased access you can donate towards this project.

Latin Inspires

We are seeking Old Latins to lead the way in becoming founding members of our alumni giving circle called Latin Inspires. Latin Inspires is a community of Old Latins passionate about supporting their old school and helping to inspire future generations of Latins.

Your gift will go towards the final phase of the 600 Campaign, which will see us create a fantastic theatre, music and art facility at the heart of the school and will give students the space and tools to gain the confidence, resilience and expressive skills they need in order to thrive. Click on the Donate button on the left to read more or to donate.

Contacting us in person:

If you would like to discuss your donation, you can reach our Director of Development, Alex O’Donnell at or telephone: 01280 827309

If you would like to receive details on how to make a donation via bank transfer or via cheque, please email the team at

RLS is a Registered Charity – donations may be eligible for tax relief

However you choose to donate, for every £1 donated by UK taxpayers RLS can claim an additional 25p from the Government via the Gift Aid scheme. If you are a UK taxpayer, please make sure you complete a Gift Aid declaration to enable us to maximise the value of your gift. If you are a higher rate tax payer, there is even better news – you can reclaim part of your donation in your next tax return, so a personal donation of £125, actually only costs you £93.75, and (including Gift Aid claimed by us) results in a contribution of £156.25.

For further details about giving tax effectively, visit

Application to Sixth Form 2023

Save the Date

The Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on 17th November 2022.

Important announcement

We are open today, Tuesday 13th December. If the situation changes with the weather we will update the website and social media accordingly.