Get Involved!

Old Latins give their time and expertise to the school in so many ways, which has a tremendous impact on the life and culture of the school today. Alumni can sit on committees and strategic boards, visit school to give talks to students and staff, help out in our archive room, help the site team with gardening, and help to organise our fundraising activities and other projects. You can also help by sharing the school’s activities on social media and by encouraging other Old Latins to reconnect with us. Please do get in touch if you’d like to give some time to the school, we’d be delighted to hear from you!

Old Latins from across the decades have contributed to our Inspiration Bank – personal career profiles and sources of inspiration from Old Latins for new and Old Latins and for the wider school community. Take a look at it here, and please get in touch if you would like to add your own inspiration!

Our funding challenges have been well documented – at several points in the past decade, we were England’s worst funded secondary school, placing significant pressure on our classrooms and site. Our response has been to create one of the most innovative state school fundraising campaigns in the UK, and we work really hard to make it easy for our whole school community, including Old Latins, to donate to different aspects of school life, and to demonstrate the impact that donations make. If you’d like to make a donation of any amount, you’ll find all of the options on our donations page; if you’d like to talk to us about making a contribution or perhaps visit us to explore how you can help, then please do get in touch with Jo Ballantine at We are committed to respecting privacy and your donation can be kept anonymous if preferred. Alternatively, if you’d like us to share news about your donation then we’re very happy to do so.

Another way you could support the school is by becoming a founding member of our alumni giving circle, called Latin Inspires. Latin Inspires is a community of Old Latins passionate about supporting their old school and helping to inspire future generations of Latins. Please visit Latin Inspires to find out more.

There are lots of ways Old Latins can give back to their old school in their lifetime. Another way you could consider showing your support or the Royal Latin is by leaving a gift to the school in your will, once your loved ones have been looked after. The Royal Latin is a registered charity, so you can leave a gift to the school in your will, just as you might for any other cause. It’s straightforward, and anyone can do it. People often think legacies are only made from large estates, but that’s simply not the case – it doesn’t have to be a large sum; you could leave a gift in your will of any amount at all. Thanks to an Old Latin, we are able to offer a free will-writing service to anyone wanting to leave a gift to the school in their will. If you would like to know more, please read ourβ€―guide.

Make a Donation
Latin Inspires
Gifts & Will Guide

If you fancy a trip down memory lane and would like to visit the school either during the day or outside of school hours, then please do get in touch; we love showing Old Latins around and hearing about your school days. Freel free to bring family or friends along with you, or just come along on your own. Drop us an email at to arrange a visit at your convenience – we look forward to seeing you soon!

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Application to Sixth Form 2023

Save the Date

The Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on 17th November 2022.

Important announcement

We are open today, Tuesday 13th December. If the situation changes with the weather we will update the website and social media accordingly.