Main Block April 2018 2

Inspiration Bank

It has become more important than ever for us all to feel connected, and to share inspiration.

Over the past few years, we have been building a bank of snapshots of the careers and inspirations of Old Latins, to inspire other alumni, students, staff and our wider community, and to help us all remember that we are part of a huge family of many thousands of people who have passed through the school gates over the decades, and gone on to live purposeful and very varied lives.

We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we have!

Alex & Lucy (The RLS Development Team)

Trevor Saving

Class of 1974

Alex Minchin

Class of 2005

Soleta Rogan (née Oliver)

Class of 2001

Julie Hagerty (née Manning)

Class of 1974

Denise Griffiths (née Bone)

Class of 1980 

Simon Robinson

Class of 1988

Dame Shan Morgan DCMG

Class of 1973

Fraser Turner

Class of 2012

Sarah Reid

Class of 2005

Teresa Allen

Class of 2003

Nigel Pullen

Class of 1974

Ryan Doyle

Class of 2000

Tim Tinsley

Class of 1988

Vicki Heath

Class of 2006

Will Lowther

Class of 2005

Terry Smith

Class of 1958

Sally Button

Class of 1979

Joanna Macklin (née Bryant)

Class of 1963

Michael Sleight

Class of 1980


Sue Hilsdon (née Sear)

Class of 1969

Margaret Wilson

Class of 1954

Lakechia Jeanne

Class of 2014

Lakshmi Shankar

Class of 1998

James Daw

Class of  2001

Rosina Andrews

Class of  2006

Mark Collins

Class of 1983

Louisa Allen (née David)

Class of 1993

We’d love to hear your story . . . If you’d like to be added to our inspiration bank and potentially featured on this page, please get in touch and we’ll send you a list of questions and details about how to submit your responses. Thank you!

Latin Life . . . We also publish news and features about Old Latins in Latin Life, the twice-yearly RLS alumni magazine. If you’re an Old Latin (including recent school leavers!) and would like to be added to our list to receive Latin Life and news of events and reunions, please join RLS Connect, our online community of Old Latins, and we’ll keep in touch.

Mentoring . . . During 2024 we’re also working on creating a brand new mentoring programme, to enable sixth-form students to be mentored by an Old Latin. It will be invaluable (and hugely inspirational) for our students to get the experience and advice from former students from their school in whatever field they are looking to pursue. You can volunteer to be a mentor on your RLS Connect profile when you register. All mentoring will take place through RLS Connect and be monitored.

Inspiring future generations . . . Latin Inspires a community of Old Latins passionate about supporting their old school and helping to inspire future generations of Latins. Find out how you can play your part here