Understanding SEND

The term Special Educational Needs and Disabilities covers a broad spectrum of difficulties, including, but not limited to: physical disability, dyslexia ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), speech and language difficulties and emotional and behavioural difficulties.

The school has a graduated approach to supporting students with SEND. SEND Support is provided if a student does not make sufficient progress despite high-quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness. This support is then regularly reviewed to monitor its effectiveness. In some cases, it may be necessary for the student to have more specialist provision. This will be discussed with the child and their parents or carers and, following assessments by the LA, may be followed by an Education & Health Care (EHC) Plan.

Interventions and expected outcomes for a student with a EHC plan will be clearly set out and progress reviewed each term. An EHC plan should be maintained by the LA from birth until age 19-25. Each EHC plan will be unique, focusing on the individual personality and requirements of the child. The EHC plan enables the school to access funding to provide provision over and above the school’s resources.

To see our most recent Information Report, please click here.


Support for Learning at RLS

The individual needs of all students must be met to ensure they are able to achieve their potential, particularly where they cannot fully access the curriculum without support. There may be a variety of reasons why a student is not achieving at school and, through mentoring or just by providing a safe environment, many anxieties can be shared and reduced. We believe that regular and open communication between home and school is a vital part of supporting students effectively.

For some students we use a Home/School Communication Book.

Our SENDCo is Mrs Michelle Taylor and she may be contacted as follows:
Tel: 01280 813065

The contact for compliments, concerns or complaints from parents of students with SEND is:

Mr Ian Chislett: Headteacher
Email: via his PA (Ms Karen Bishop)
Tel: 01280 813065

Types of Support

Our experienced team comprises the SEND Coordinator (SENDCo), Deputy SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo and Learning Support Assistants. We provide a wide range of support strategies, including:

  • In-class support across the curriculum
  • 1:1 Sessions
  • Social Skills Groups
  • Literacy Interventions
  • Dyslexia Support
  • Book Club
  • Access to specialist agencies where appropriate, including Educational Psychology, Specialist Teacher Services, Speech & Language, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Cognition & Learning.


The Role of Parents

If your child needs additional support, the sooner it is identified, the more positive an impact it can have on their attainment at school. If you have concerns about your child, please do make them known so we are better able to consider your child’s best interests and likely needs.

For more information on external support, please see this Information Leaflet from Buckinghamshire Council or visit

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Application to Sixth Form 2023

Save the Date

The Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on 17th November 2022.

Important announcement

We are open today, Tuesday 13th December. If the situation changes with the weather we will update the website and social media accordingly.