Student Support Structure

It’s important that our students know which members of staff are their first point of contact for their academic and pastoral support during their time at RLS.

Student Support Structure

Head of Year 7:  Mrs Amy Jones
Head of Year 8:  Mr Luke Dalzell
Head of Year 9:  Mrs Emma Kitson
Head of Year 10:  Miss Suze Macken
Head of Year 11:  Miss Anna Langford

Student Support Manager:  Mrs Claire Weight
Attendance Administrator:  Mrs Jo Kimpton

Key Stage 5

Head of Sixth Form: Mr Jason Skyrme
Deputy Head of Sixth Form: Mrs Carly Flanagan
Key Stage 5 Student Support: Mrs Liz Wilkins and Miss Kate Field

Current Form Tutors

Form Tutors 2024/25

Learning Support

SENDCo: Mrs Michelle Taylor

Deputy SENDCo: Mrs Jodie Pratt

Assistant SENDCo:  Mrs Alex Griffiths

Who Can Help?

At times, we all need advice, reassurance or support. At school there are several people who can help you.

  • Contact your Form Tutor or Head of Year
  • Speak to the Student Support Office (Mrs Weight, Mrs Kimpton, Mrs Wilkins/Miss Field) or Mrs Shann (School Health Advisor)
  • Peer Listeners – these are Year 12 students who remember what it was like to be a KS3 or 4 student more easily than a member of staff can! You can speak to them when they visit your form each week or pop in to the weekly chat/games session that they run on FRIDAY LUNCHTIMES in ROOM 12.

If you are concerned about the PHYSICAL OR EMOTIONAL HEALTH of yourself, a family member or a friend there are several people who can help:

  • School Counsellors – There is a counsellor in school every day this academic year, who meet students on an appointment basis. Mr Farrell can arrange this for you.
  • School Nursing Service –Due to staffing issues, the school nurses (based at Buckingham Hospital) cannot run a weekly lunchtime drop-in service this academic year but you can contact them directly at:

Remember: There are a lot of useful posters, leaflets and outside agency contact details in the Life Advice Room. If you are passing and it’s free just pop in and have a look. The Health and Wellbeing section on the website also contains helpful information.

There are many support workers who we can call upon to help you – just ask and if we can’t help, we can put you in contact with someone who can.

What should I do if I need help with the following: 

Chromebooks/IT – email
Lockers – email our student reception team /
Lost Property – if an item of clothing/water bottle/lunch box has been lost students should check the lost property boxes in the the student centre.  If they have lost boots / shoes they should check the lost property boxes in the student centre first and then the Boot Room in the Gym corridor.
Lost Valuables – if an item of value has been lost then please ask at the student reception team.
Ordered PE Kit being delivered to the school: can be collected by students from the box at the PE office.
ParentPay – email
Clubs – see here

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Application to Sixth Form 2023

Save the Date

The Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on 17th November 2022.

Important announcement

We are open today, Tuesday 13th December. If the situation changes with the weather we will update the website and social media accordingly.