Key Resources

Vision and Ethos Accessibility Plan for Disabled Students Admission Arrangements Annual Reports & Accounts, and Articles & Memorandum of Association Behaviour Policy Black Lives Matter Statement Careers Programme Charging and Remissions Policies Complaints Procedure and Whistle Blowing Contact details: Curriculum Equality Duty and Equality Objective Equalities Statement Everyone’s Invited Statement Exam and Assessment Results Governors’ […]


A brief history of the Royal Latin School The Royal Latin School is the oldest school in the county.  It was founded in 1423 in the chantry chapel of St John the Baptist in the middle of Buckingham.  The school was originally established to teach boys the ‘Trivium’ (Latin grammar, logic and rhetoric) and was […]


Royal Latin School aims to offer a choice of nutritious meals to students at lunchtime and a range of healthy snacks during the day. The award winning Culinera is the chosen catering company for The Royal Latin School; the newest and freshest independently owned, education focused caterer in the South of England. They are passionate […]

Term Dates

Term Dates 2023 – 2024 Term School Opens for Students 8.45am School closes for Students 3.30pm  Autumn Term Monday 4th September 2023 Welcome Induction Day for the new RLS Year 12 students Tuesday 5th September 2023 Year 7 & 12 students on site All other year groups will work virtually Wednesday 6th September 2023 Year […]


Our House system is integral to school life at RLS providing opportunities to learn in a variety of settings. This not only provides opportunities for more students to participate in competitions, but also provides opportunities that require students across all year groups to be innovative and work collaboratively. The planning and preparation required for these events […]


I am delighted to welcome you to our school website and hope it gives you a good flavour of life in the Latin. The Royal Latin School is a coeducational state grammar school of over 1,300 students.  As well as respecting our long history (stretching back to 1423), we place a real importance on nurturing […]


Please note: to complete an application form online you will not be able to type directly onto this form.  If you have a Google account please make a copy of the form first (by clicking on file, make a copy) then this copy will be your working copy of the form that you can send […]


Teaching and Support Staff List David Hudson HEADTEACHER Marcella McCarthy deputy HEADTEACHER Designated Safeguarding Lead Teaching and Learning Staffing Students Debbie Payton ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER Curriculum, Assessment and Progress (KS4 & KS5) Michelle Taylor Assistant HEADTEACHER Aspirations and Facilitation Sally Kay Assistant HEADTEACHER Innovation George West ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER Student Options and Progress (KS3) Ginny Brown BUSINESS […]


Accessibility Policy Admissions Policy 2023 Entry Admissions Policy 2024 Entry Admissions Policy 2025 Entry Anti-Bullying Policy Attendance Behaviour and Discipline Careers Education, Information and Guidance, Work Related Learning and Enterprise CCTV Charges for Educational Activities Child Protection and Safeguarding Complaints Policy for Parents Counselling Data Protection DofE Equalities (Reporting on the) Equality Duty & Equality […]


Admissions Policy 2023 Entry Admissions Policy 2024 Entry Admissions Policy 2025 Entry Appeals Catchment map Entry at Year 7 Entries at Years 9, 10 and 11 Governing Body Performance Information Safeguarding Statement Term Dates Transfer Testing Registration Uniform & Equipment School map Visit Us 11+ Open Evening Admissions 11-16 Admissions to Year 7 The Royal […]

Application to Sixth Form 2023

Save the Date

The Sixth Form Open Evening will be held on 17th November 2022.

Important announcement

We are open today, Tuesday 13th December. If the situation changes with the weather we will update the website and social media accordingly.